Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Home for the Rodeo and a Baby!

So, I decided that I needed to go home the third weedend in May and I'm so glad I did! The origianl reason was so that I could work the Donut Trailer as it was at the Cloverdale Rodeo and I needed some extra moneys and Debbie was super nice and paid for my gas to come home. I didn't really give her a choice though, I told her she could either pay for me to fly home or to drive home...just kidding! I would NEVER tell her what to do! She is a pretty cool sister though! Couldn't ask for a better one! So, I went and decided to bring Jaymi and Baylei with me (roommates) they worked for us last year at the PNE so they're pretty much life employees now. We decided to leave on a Wednesday and we drove straight through (14 hours) and we stayed until Sunday. So, another reason I wanted to come home was to see the Baby that Laura was supposed to have by this time as she was due the week before but he decided to stay inside for a little while longer (I like to think that he knew his Aunty Em was coming so he waited just for me). Only Debbie and Amie knew we were coming home so it was a surprise to everyone else, it was also cool cause I was able to be there for Joe's Birthday. Well, Laura felt bad cause she said that she really felt that the baby wouldn't come for about another week, and with my luck he would most likely come the day I left. So, I prayed like I've never prayed before! I had a good talk with Heavenly Father and I says, "Heavenly Father, I'm always gone when important things happen in this family, I miss weddings, and funerals, and births cause I've been at school or on a mission and for once, I would like to be here for something important." and then I says, "If this baby is healthy, then please send him down!" Guess it worked cause little Brody was born on that Saturday and I was the first one in our family to hold him! We went to the hospital to see him and I just couldn't put him down! It's amazing how you can love someone so much that you just met! He was 10lbs, 10 oz. Kid's a Moose! But he's my little moose! Infact, that's what I'm gonna call him! I'm soooo grateful that I got to be there when he was born, I know it might not seem like big deal but it was to me. Now I'm just so excited to get back home and play with my little Moose!

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