Sunday, January 13, 2008

Do all Dogs really go to Heaven?

So, on the evening of Thursday January 3rd, we had to put our little dog down. She was almost 18 years old. What a sad event that was. She was the only dog that we had from birth to death so it was sad. She was getting old though and the past few years for her had been rough as she kept throwing her back out but she hung on 'till the bitter end. She had stopped eating a few days before and we didn't want her to starve so we knew it was time. Of course I had to be the one to take her to the vet for them to put her down cause no one else would do it. On the 15 minute drive out to Langley I found myself shedding a few tears. You see, Tiki hated the car. Anytime she found herself in a vehicle she would whine and cry, she just didn't like it very much and sometimes she would make herself sick with anxiety. A little strange for a small dog as most love going for a car ride but not our little Tiki. But, that night I wrapped her in a blanket and put her on my lap and drove to the vet and she didn't make a sound. It was almost like she knew it was time to go and she was okay with it. So, I shed those tears while saying to myself, "Why am I crying, it's just a dog". But, this little dog was a good dog, she was very loving and very loyal and pretty well behaved (except for that one time she went missing all night and then came home a little preggers) Any who, after talking to my friend later that night she helped me to realize that's it's probably not healthy to be one of those crazy people obsessed with their dog who pretty much thinks of them as a real person and dresses them up and has their own stroller, etc. (you get the picture) but it is okay to be sad when you've had a dog for as long as we had Tiki. So, here's to you my four legged were a great little doggie for those 18 years. We will miss you! Hope you found your way to doggie heaven. Have fun playing with Chevy! and you better be waiting for me when I get up there!

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