Thursday, February 7, 2008

Who told you, you were having a girl???

It was way back in October, we were all at the table for our Thanksgiving dinner (Canadian duh!) and my brother asked my Dad if he had quit smoking yet and then said he needed to quit so he could be here when his grandchild was born. We were all like, "what!!!". I guess that was his cool way of letting us know that he and my sister in law were finally gonna have a baby. The week before Christmas they had an ultra sound done and found out they were having a girl! Yay! They picked out a name, painted the nursery, and Laura even bought a Juicy Couture diaper bag. Last Saturday they took both sets of parents to their 3D ultra sound. The technician asked if they knew what they were having and they of course replied, "it's a girl" (cause that's what they were told) a few minutes later she replied, "who told you you were having a girl??'s a boy!!" Laura, who was quite happy she was infact having a girl and not a boy said, "SHUT UP! OH MY GOSH! SHUT UP! SHUT UP! I DON'T BELIEVE YOU! OH MY GOSH! OH MY GOSH! PROVE IT! PROVE IT CAUSE I DON'T BELIEVE YOU! She then proceeded to show them that it was infact a boy with all his boy parts. So, baby Annabelle Ava Brown is no more, and for now we just call him baby Joe cause they haven't picked out a boy name yet (they've thought about Davis or Brody so far but I hope they keep brainstorming). Moral of the story...unless they're 100% positive, they should just not tell you! Good thing they painted the room a neutral colour! Can't wait to meet ya baby Joe!
PS. this is the coolest baby 3D picture ever! He totally looks like his Dad! LOL!

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