Friday, December 12, 2008

Movin' on out!

My parents finally sold the house! We need to be out of the house by December 15th! Sucks, I know!!! They amazing part is that they actually found a new place in Coquitlam but the down side is that they can't move in until February. The people said that if they can find a place earlier then they'll move out so we can move in earlier. That would be nice but for now my parents will be in a hotel in Langley and I'll be moving in with my brother and sister in law which I don't mind at all cause I'm pretty much there all the time anyways! I'm headed back to school in January too so things have been crazy around here with packing and getting things organized and ready for the big move. Hope all goes well. Saturday the 13th will be the main moving day so that things aren't left to the last minute. It's a little sad as we've been in this house for almost 19 years now. There's a lot of memories here so of course being sad is normal but I keep telling my Mom (who is the main water works around here anytime you mention how sad it is that we're moving after all this time) it's not the actual place you live in that makes it a home, it's the feeling you create so we can have a home anywhere! Change is good...sometimes! It will be fun to decorate! I get to help picking out new things and stuff like that so I look forward to that. Well, I'll keep upto date with how the move goes!

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