Thursday, December 11, 2008

Twilight's over!

So, the craziness of Twilight came on opening weekend and it stayed for all of 2 days and then it left. I'm not surprised though, it wasn't that good! It wasn't horrible but it wasn't good. It was pretty much right in the middle. The good thing about it was that it stayed pretty true to the book. Very little was changed in the film adaptation. The obvious condensing of things happened due to the need of getting enough important events in the book into the movie. There were moments that definately brought on the cringe factor! A lot of lines were actually pulled from the book. The number one noteworthy horrible line (and it wasn't from the book) was when Bella was talking to Edward in the cafeteria and she says to him, "your mood swings are kinda giving me whiplash". LAME!! I couldn't stop laughing! Anyways, since no more books are to be written (which I still think is a bad move on Meyer's part) the mania will hopefully subside until the next movie will be released which I believe will be in 2010. So, until then.....

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